Mann Mayal – Episode 22 Written Post

This episode, like all of the above was filled with dialogues and situations of the mill, which reminded me of the drama series Shukk. Once again we are witnessing a situation in which two women want a man (yes if Mannu says or not she really wants / need more than Salahuddin Januni Jeena!) And the (super) man in this love triangle does not know how to use the their superpowers! Ayesha Khan once again played the role of a woman who does not want or need, but still like many other women in our dramas that have all but self-love, Jeena continued trying to Salahuddin pressure to marry well become the respect or love. The "hu mein shakti Paka Khana, Hu Mei Kaam office KR Sakti" dialogue was the lamest that we have heard so far!

This episode was hilarious! The first and the biggest flaw of the story is forced presence Mannu in Salahuddin home. Second, the Mannu attitude during this episode was absurd to say the least! The Abba disease is another sad event in the history of the junk that is nothing more than a desperate attempt to make viewers feel for Mannu is even more! Jeena desperation and 'powerlessness' Salahuddin both were equally upset tonight.

Mikael is completely out of the picture, for now, not that I've lost and although Mannu continues Salahuddin does not want to close, but somehow he could not travel by air alone, without Salahuddin with it. If Mannu really wanted to take a stand, it would have to take a stand here. He knows that "owns" Salahuddin and she can "use" in any way you want, because it is somehow responsible for all their problems.
Unfortunately, Mannu has become a pathetic character who is constantly making ridiculous. Of course Jeena is giving tough competition so we have a man who put a finger on the finger of a desperate woman just to please her and now wants to withdraw from this report because the Mannu divorce has given a new mission in life! We have two women - a desperate and pathetic the other - they have other options, but they live in Salahuddin home, because our writer loves these twisted twists in the story.

It 's really annoying to see a director like Haseeb Hassan agree with all that this story had to offer and more, this drama also goes by the way beqasoor - making the most dhona becharapan crown and a woman. In fact, this episode does not even deserve a comment! This drama is a greater than he could have imagined that it would become a disaster. How could these big stars and big names think they were doing their fans or spectators of a service to be part of this drama? I lost all faith in Samira Fazal, Chup Raho, Aitraz and now this !!!

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